Krista Hendriksen's Website

The following post is an extract from an old blog of mine that details one of the first sites that I built and deployed in PHP. I’ve created an overview of the posts here to keep a snapshot from the past.

Phase 1

Page loading
"When you first load the website the above logo will display for five seconds and then fade out and redirect you to the homepage."

Page loaded

Next image
"Selecting the 'Collection' tab loads the design collection images and allows you to go through each image with using the newly visible buttons just under the frame."

"The same goes for the 'Archive' tab which allows you to go through the pdf collection documentation."

Phase 2

New Homepage
"Introduction of a new design to keep the site minimalistic and clear to focus on the image content."

New navigation
"The navigation menu has been changed to include a white background, which helps ensure the menu is readable when dark images are shown."

New gallery
"When a link has been clicked that uses images, two buttons will be displayed in the bottom right corner of the container that will allow you to navigate through the images."