Final Year Project Proposal

For my final year project I am aiming to create a device that will track metrics when playing Squash.

The device will be attached to a Squash racket and report back to a mobile device statistics such as swing speed and impact count. To create this I plan to use and a small Arduino device, BLE (Bluetooth low energy) and my Android mobile (Galaxy S3).

Squash Tracker Proposal

My formal proposal is listed below.

Project Title

Squash Tracking Android application


The Squash Tracking Android application is a way for players to view statistics about their game. I plan to attach an Arduino device to a squash racket that will measure various statistics i.e. swing speed and total number of impacts. The Arduino device will communicate over Bluetooth to an Android device. The reason for using Bluetooth over other RF communications is so that the user does not need to connect a device to their mobile and can instead use the built in Bluetooth capabilities.

The Android application will show live data to the user during their game. When the user finishes their game they will be able to save the current session to the device for reviewing at a later period. When reviewing a session the user will be presented by the data in graphs and other formats to enable easy viewing. This project will be both challenging, rewarding and will involve both hardware and software. As a project, I believe it will be useful for me a student as it will require the use of multiple technologies. It is also of great personal interest to me, being a keen squash player.