SquashT - Progress Update 1

It’s been a busy first term trying to get my final year project to a good point. I feel that now the project is moving in the right direction. Here is a quick update on what I have got working.


I have managed to assemble the device into a more usable unit, rather than on a breadboard. Here are a couple of images of version 1 of the SquashT device:

Setup (Arduino pro mini, Custom HM-11 and MPU6050):

Arduino V1 Top
Arduino V1 Bottom
Arduino V1 On Racket

As you can see it is not very robust with the mess of wires on the back. Also the battery is currently held to the unit with a Pringle tube lid :D My next version will be printed much like the HM-11 breakout module. I have currently drawn up the schematic and sent the board to be printed. The new board should arrive by the end of the month. Here are some images of the new board’s design:

SquashT V2 Front
SquashT V2 Back

This second version of the device takes into account all of the problems I came across with the first device. For example, the Arduino pro mini can not be programmed when the HM-11’s TX line is connected to the pro mini’s RX line. For this reason I have implemented a programming switch which breaks this connection when I need to program the Arduino.


As for the Android application I have managed to implement all of BLE communications, database, main fragments and I have also implemented a library called ‘Weka’ that allows me to data mine the swings to determine the type. Here are a couple of screenshots of the current application:

SquashT Android Main
SquashT Android Bluetooth
SquashT Android Shot Detection
SquashT Android Game

And that is about it for now. There have been a lot of challenges with this project so far but it is starting to look promising now.